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Event #63 - 13 May 23

Place Participant Time
5 Km
1 🐇 Bountiful rabbit 20:44
2 🦉 Tall owl 21:22
3 🐁 Elementary mouse 24:01
4 🥷 Lorninja 28:22
5 🦁 Conventional lion 31:28
5 🦍 Wiry gorilla 31:28
7 🦙 Standard llama 33:18
8 🐎 Amiable mustang 34:05
2 Miles
1 🐗 Exemplary boar 15:55
2Mi Personal Best
2 🐎 Heartfull Horse 18:59
2Mi Personal Best
3 🦒 Gracious Giraffe 29:08
4 🦒 Rapid giraffe 33:17


🙏 Thanks to the following people for volunteering at this event: